Curve Modes
In Project [SONICO] Version 1.0.62 and later, there are two ways to draw curves, the Hermite and Bezier curve modes.
First, in Pen mode, choose the pen type and pen size that will be used for the curve drawing, and the colour. Also, select the layer.
Hermite Mode
To activate Hermite mode, click on the Hermite button:
![Screenshot of the Hermite button highlighted in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-1.png)
This will activate the curve that will be used for drawing:
![Screenshot of the Hermite curve in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-2.png)
When in Hermite mode, press the r key to select the red end point, g to select the green end point, b to select the blue tangent vector point and y to select the yellow tangent vector point. Then use the up, down, left right keys on the keyboard to move the points. Pressing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0 will adjust the amount that is moved. When you are happy with the curve to be drawn, press enter on your keyboard to draw the curve. Pressing esc will toggle the visibility of the Hermite curve input.
![Screenshot of the Hermite curve drawing curves in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-3.png)
If you are ever in a big pinch, press the Reset Hermite button to reset the curve to its default location:
![Screenshot of the Reset Hermite button highlighted in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-4.png)
Bezier Mode
Similar to the Hermite mode, to activate Bezier mode, click on the Bezier button:
![Screenshot of the Bezier button highlighted in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-5.png)
When in Bezier mode, press the r key to select the red control point, g to select the green control point, b to select the blue control point and y to select the yellow control point. Then use the up, down, left right keys on the keyboard to move the points. Pressing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0 will adjust the amount that is moved. When you are happy with the curve to be drawn, press enter on your keyboard to draw the curve. Pressing esc will toggle the visibility of the Bezier curve input.
![Screenshot of the Bezier curve drawing curves in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-6.png)
If you are ever in a big pinch, press the Reset Bezier button to reset the curve to its default location:
![Screenshot of the Reset Bezier button highlighted in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-7.png)
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