Mode Select
The mode select buttons are on the right of the application window, the Hermite mode and Bezier mode deserve a tutorial of their own:
![Screenshot of the mode select buttons highlighted in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-1.png)
The current mode is the button selected in blue:
![Screenshot of the pen mode highlighted in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-2.png)
Pen Mode
Unless already selected, click the "Pen" mode select button to activate the pen mode:
![Screenshot of a closeup of the pen button highlighted in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-3.png)
Then, on your keyboard, press c for circular pen, s for square pen, r for horizontal rectangular pen, t for vertical rectangular pen, d for diagonal pen 1, f for diagonal pen 2 or e for erase pen. Erase pen is a special case in that it ignores the colour of the current palette and just erases the pixels (sets them to 0xFFFFFF/transparent).
Then, on the top of your keyboard, press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 0 for 1 pixel, 2 pixel, 3 pixel, 4 pixel, 5 pixel, 6 pixel, 7 pixel, 8 pixel, 9 pixel or 10 pixel pen sizes respectively. Note that the circular pen only has 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 pixel sizes.
Then select the palette that you wish to use for the colour of the pen:
![Screenshot of the palette highlighted in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-4.png)
Then, when it is decided, use your graphics tablet or mouse to draw within the drawing border of the application:
![Screenshot of drawing with the pen mode in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-5.png)
Move Mode
To activate the move mode, click on the "Move" mode select button:
![Screenshot of a closeup of the mode button highlighted in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-6.png)
To change the amount of distance in pixels to be moved, press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 0 on your keyboard. For example, pressing 0 will set the move amount to 200 pixels. Of course this is customisable.
Then press ctrl up, ctrl down, ctrl left or ctrl right on your keyboard to move the drawing of the current layer up, down, left or right respectively:
![Screenshot of drawing moved in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-7.png)
Please note that any drawing that is moved further than the drawing border will be discarded.
Fill Mode
To activate the fill mode, click on the "Fill" mode select button:
![Screenshot of the fill button highlighted in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-8.png)
Then, after choosing your palette, click on the area that you want to fill and it will fill that area with the colour of the current palette:
![Screenshot of the area before filling in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-9.png)
Colour Sampler Mode
To activate the colour sampler mode, click on the "Colour Sampler" mode select button:
![Screenshot of the colour sampler button highlighted in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-10.png)
Then choose which palette you want the sampled colour to be assigned to:
![Screenshot of the palette used for colour sampling highlighted in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-11.png)
Then click on the colour on the current layer that you wish to assign to the palette:
![Screenshot of the colour sampled to the current palette highlighted in Project [SONICO]](screenshots/sonico-12.png)